Saturday, February 21, 2009

On Poetry

I don’t remember much about being six or seven
Except that when I rhymed I was in heaven
O! Captain and Daffodils sang to me
A lyricist, a songster you have to be
Poetry is the subsistence of my soul
It’s what completes and makes me whole
Rhymes listen to my woes, they respond to my tears
Whenever I need help, they allay my fears
When I laugh, I rhyme awhile with smile
When I cry, I rhyme sigh with why
And when I am feeling particularly ferocious
I put supercalifragilisticexpialidocious next to atrocious
On any of my loved one’s birthday
If I draw a card and don’t know what to say
I let my emotions scamper free and quick
And say it all in facile lyric
When I am disturbed and sit and ponder
On issues of life my mind tends to wander
I don’t turn unhappy in unforgiving time
For I can always dance away in easy rhyme
I am now sixteen curious and young
On questions of tension I am hung
From confusion and distress I want to fly
I think God does not have time to reply
To the million questions put up by me
So He gave me my poetry.


My heart is burning with no confusion
of emotions there is a fusion
I feel fury surging through
I am decided in my view
instigating instances gone by
my temper soaring very high
my blood is pounding in my ears
intoxicating hatred with no fears
the rage of revenge body tense
anger is the only sense hence
I scream, I roar I abuse
Satiation I find in the temper I loose
I do not know why this is there
But I am exalted I do not care
frustration irritation is thrown out
I feel the power as I shout
Who cares if you call it wrong
Who cares the blast wont last long
The choler is ecstasy ethereal
the might, the right is savagely surreal
I hack, I hew, I kill, I cull
Bloody, bestial, brutish , brutal
I am God, I am deity
There may be tomorrow but today I am almighty.


My heart is burning with confusion
of emotions there is a fusion
I feel choler surging through
I am decided in my view
remembering instances gone by
my temper soaring very high
my blood is pounding in my ears intoxicating fury with no fears
the haze of anger body tense
rage is the only sense hence
I scream, I shriek I abuse
Satiation I find in the temper I loose
I may not know why this is there
At this time I do not care
All frustration and irritation is thrown out
I feel powerful and in control as I shout
Though in my heart of hearts I know it is wrong
This blast wont last very long
Yet it is like ecstasy ethereal
the might I feel is surreal
I feel I am getting my back at all the unfairness
Though of relationships I’m making a mess
I know this injustice is part of the world
At everyone it is equally hurled
yet my selfish horizons cannot see
the problems anyone beyond me
I’m in control of the world, I’m on a high
While screaming I know to myself I lie
Yet I actually know I’ve sunk very low
Never again should I be so
Its hard to control the desire
To water your tongue fire
But now I will sincerely try
not to do something which I cry
I know there is a word sorry But I don’t want to use it in a hurry

On Mother's Day

In every walk in every sphere
I know somebody who’ll be a dear
A child’s angry word, agony and cry
The person who will just not sigh
When in your eyes you have tears
When your heart is overcome with fears
The person whose love you know
Will never let you come to woe
When I win a prize more than the trophy
I get happiness through your pride in me
When I walk a boulevard of broken dreams
The only smile in that darkness which gleams
The person who taught me to stand and walk
The person who taught me to eat and talk
The person who gave me dreams to achieve.
The person who gifted me a destiny to weave
How do I thank you for the supporting smile
How do I thank you for walking the extra mile
For changing my nappy, cleaning my mess
For my first word, my first dress
My first laugh, my first step
For tolerating my teenage and letting me be hep
For sleepless nights and fruitless efforts
For loving me despite a thousand unsaid hurts
When I see myself as a part of you
Happiness is mine as by things few
My dear mom, to you every tribute is inadequate
For gifting you to me I am forever indebted to fate
However I say a very modest Thank you
Including that in these millions of mothers day words too


Over the jiving tree-tops I see the moon rise
And linger in the moments of the day as it dies
I feel the moonlight illuminating
Flashes of the day as they are fading
Perhaps one day I’ll be a moonlit star
On this earth starlight I’ll shower
But today how much light did I give
How much did I really live
How many smiles did I spread
How many will recollect when I’m dead.
I sure had the opportunity
It is just that I did not see
I was so wrapped with myself
Proud of my posh and pelf
Weeping about my woes and whys
Fretting about my lows and highs
How many times did I think he, she or you
It was I, me, myself, my world view
To share a simile, a word of grace
Why do I have to think, why do I have to retrace
How much kindness did I generate
For my gesture how many had to wait
How many would be pall bearers when I die
I count the numbers, I heave a sigh
A realization dawns, this need not be my fate
I can still create compassion, reduce the hate
A moment later it may be too late
A moment I don’t have, at least to wait

Life Cant Be Lived In A Hurry

Have you ever noticed the rainbow fading in the sky
Have you ever noticed a mother’s touch stopping a child’s cry
Have you ever caught the reflective raindrops in your palm
Have you ever seen the sky waking in the pre-dawn calm
The beauty of a butterfly did you view in your worry
Stop, take a breath, life can’t be lived in a hurry

Have you ever run with children as they play
Have you ever felt the breeze when a bird flies away
Have you ever teased the grass beneath your feet
Have you ever watched the pavement shimmering in the heat
Have you ever lost yourself in the imaginary
Stop, take a breath, life can’t be lived in a hurry

Did you discern the smile when you were kind
In crossing everyday sunsets did any beauty you find
In touching a flower did you feel the life
In seeing a tree did you sense the strife
There is more in this universe than what you like to see
Stop, take a breath, life can’t be lived in a hurry


A bee buzzes its wings, and stops
A cloud disappears, left are the dew drops
Questions come bombarding in a volley
I think of life’s frolic and folly
Why do we wait, why do we waste
Why do we never say it in haste
We can scream, we can shout
We can abuse, we can be loud
But can we ever say we love
Can we ever rise above
Can we ever say we’re sorry
Can we ever do this in a hurry
Why do we stay confused
Why do we end up feeling used
Why do we feel its only us that cried
Why do we feel its the others who lied
The cloud’s dwindle and the bee’s fly
Resound around the I and my
Can we give and never want
Can we be hurt and never taunt
Can we feel grateful without a favor
Without gain can we labor
Can we actually have no foes
Can we be a thorn less rose
Like the cloud can we be water for life
Like the bee for our community can we strife
We look at ourselves realize and analyze
We desperately mask our feeling in a guise
We stop before we hug we think before we admit
To say “I am sorry” requires a lot of grit,
We break relations we turn life sour
Not to admit love we fight a war
For the perfect time, we want and wait,
And then we realize it is too late.
From now on for me it will not be so.
And as I resolutely get up to go,
The message the chill in the air seems to send,
That in this moment , as always, it could’ve been the end.