Saturday, February 21, 2009

On Mother's Day

In every walk in every sphere
I know somebody who’ll be a dear
A child’s angry word, agony and cry
The person who will just not sigh
When in your eyes you have tears
When your heart is overcome with fears
The person whose love you know
Will never let you come to woe
When I win a prize more than the trophy
I get happiness through your pride in me
When I walk a boulevard of broken dreams
The only smile in that darkness which gleams
The person who taught me to stand and walk
The person who taught me to eat and talk
The person who gave me dreams to achieve.
The person who gifted me a destiny to weave
How do I thank you for the supporting smile
How do I thank you for walking the extra mile
For changing my nappy, cleaning my mess
For my first word, my first dress
My first laugh, my first step
For tolerating my teenage and letting me be hep
For sleepless nights and fruitless efforts
For loving me despite a thousand unsaid hurts
When I see myself as a part of you
Happiness is mine as by things few
My dear mom, to you every tribute is inadequate
For gifting you to me I am forever indebted to fate
However I say a very modest Thank you
Including that in these millions of mothers day words too

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